Small and Medium Businesses

Internet marketing allows some businesses to market with smaller costs. Adapting to change is crucial in some of these businesses that simply cannot afford the luxury of the bureaucratic apparatus that large corporations have. Small and medium businesses must respond to changing demand swiftly. Small business owners tend to be in closer personal contact with their customers and clients than large corporations, as small business owners see their customers directly and frequently.

One study showed that small, local businesses are better for a local economy than the introduction of new chain stores. By opening up new national level chain stores, the profits of locally owned businesses greatly decrease and many businesses end up failing and having to close. This creates an exponential effect. When one store closes, people lose their jobs, other businesses lose business from the failed business, and so on. In many cases, large firms displace just as many jobs as they create. (Fox, W.F.; Murray, M.N. (2004). "Do Economic Effects Justify the Use of Fiscal Incentives?" Southern Economic Journal.)

Globeclass aims to be affordable to small and medium businesses with the same or higher quality than its larger counterparts, achieving an unsurmountable competitive advantage, transferring knowledge and technology by serving customers and clients effectively, deploying their own resources avoiding additional or redundant costs.